To: Please select at least one recipient
Subject: I didn't qualify for the GPP Headcount Survey, but I support reopening Trombly
My name is [[Your Name]].
I am one of the many families that did not qualify for the recent survey, but would still like my voice to be heard.
Thank you for conducting the headcount survey south of Jefferson in Grosse Pointe Park. I am writing in support of reopening Trombly and asking that you present a plan for our community before the November 2025 election containing a bond proposal.
Families in our community are seeking options for early education, and with Trombly no longer serving the young learners in the area, many are turning to other districts or private institutions to meet their needs. This loss of students is not just a short-term concern but a long-term challenge for the district as we risk losing families and young children who would otherwise be the future of our schools.
When considering the building costs, please consider the $1M from Grosse Pointe Park Foundation if it reopens as an elementary school in the near future. Additionally, please consider the increased renovation costs that would be involved for a non-elementary alternative.
Using Trombly as a walkable elementary with an attached Y5 and/or preschool program would help the operational budget of the district. Our community is experiencing a transition right now; we have welcomed many new children into streets that have been quiet for years. This type of offering would be incredibly competitive and attractive for young families deciding between private/public. This would create a lasting positive impression of GPPSS early in those families' minds. There is a short window to attract these families as they will be approaching early childhood educational decisions soon.
Thank you for your consideration. Please use this asset wisely; as an elementary school, it can attract many future GPPSS families.
[[Your Name]]